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Membership Benefits

By becoming a member of the Global Health Security Network you will receive a range of services and benefits. By committing to becoming a member you are supporting the activities of our organisation and contributing to the advancement of work in the Global Health Security world.   

There are many benefits on offer, some of which are listed below:

Deals and Discounts

Get discounted registration to attend the biannual Global Health Security Conference including access to regular webinars with leaders and stakeholders.

Latest GHS Research

Receive access to regular policy reports, quarterly newsletters and more.

Grant and Job Opportunities

Find out the latest grant and job opportunities that are available in relation to global health and research.

Blogs and Forums

Stay in the know and build your network. Opportunity to get to know health professionals, students, stakeholders, policy makers from around the world.

Membership Types

The GHSN offers a range of memberships depending on your income and requirements.

There are 3 main categories of membership:

  • Standard Memberships, which apply to most people;
  • Student Memberships, which are good for graduate and undergraduate students;
  • Institutional Memberships, which are best for libraries and research groups.

Find our more below.

Standard Membership

Levels 1 - 5

Standard Membership

This is the membership that will apply for most individuals. All standard memberships are priced based on income levels to ensure a fair fee based on your current economic situation.
Learn more

Student Membership

Level 6

Student Membership

This membership is specifically for those who are currently undergraduate or graduate students. You will receive the same benefits as the standard membership.
Learn More

Institutional Membership

Level 7

Institutional Membership

This membership is specifically for universities and research groups that would like to pay for a group membership. You will receive the same benefits as the standard membership.
Learn More

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Our Current Members


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